Sunday, July 3, 2011

What's coming and why

Entry 1 - 6/30/11

Well, things in my life haven't been going so well lately:  bankruptcy last year, having friends and relative battling cancer, becoming old enough to get senior discounts and start thinking about social security, having an impossible time losing the weight I need to lose to maintain decent health, not having the money for a vacation, realizing I've never eally made solid life-long friendships, watching my husband get slower and older, and...well, you get the picture.  In short, depression and it's cousins anger and lack-of-interest are starting to invade my life more and more each day.  And I don't like it.  It's bad enough that I feel that the last part of my life hasn't gone as I'd wanted; thinking that I will sabotage the rest of it is more than I can handle.

So, I've taken on a new project.  I've long loved photography and taken a fair number of decent pictures will all sorts of cameras, but more often than not, the camera sits in the closet without me.  Photos  - good or bad - are the way in which we "remember' things, and we all know that the older you get, the harder it is to remember.  I find that I look back on a year and can pick out only isolated days.  It's easy to forget the good things and focus on the not so go. 

Starting tomorrow, my camera and I shall forge a new relationship.  It will go where I go, and I hope to take pictures of the mundane and the magnificent.  Each day, I'll select one and only one picture that signifies the one thing that I believe is either the most significant thing in my day or represents something I don't want to forget.  I'll upload it along with a journal entry.  Maybe the journal entry will morph into memory.  That's quite alright with me. 

I'm doing this for myself, but maybe for you (whoever you are) too.  So welcome to my year ahead.  I'm counting on it to contain many happy things. 


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